Try below in order and move on to the next step if your issue is not solved:
1) Right-click the task bar and click "Cascade Windows". Check if you can see the wallet.
2) On Windows:
- Exit wallet
- Run "regedit" (Press "Windows" and "R" keys together, it will open a run window, write "regedit" there and click "OK")
- Delete this reg key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ColossusXT\ColossusXT-Qt\nRPCConsoleWindowPos - Restart the wallet and the window position should be fixed.
On Mac:
- Exit wallet
- Open Terminal
- cd ~\Library\Preferences
- rm io.http\:\ \ colossusXT.ColossusXT-Qt.plist
- Restart the wallet and the window position should be fixed.